We operate two advanced FORS (Fiber Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy) systems in our lab.

The first system is a Zeiss multi-channel spectrometer (MCS) featuring two modules: the Vis–NIR (MCS521) and NIR 17 (MCS511).

This system covers a broad spectral range from 304 to 1700 nm, offering a resolution of 3 nm in the visible spectrum and 6 nm in the near-infrared (NIR) range, making it ideal for precise optical analysis. In addition to capturing reflectance spectra, our custom in-house software calculates CIE-Lab* colour coordinates under a standard D65 illuminant with a 2° observer, providing valuable colourimetric data.

The second FORS system is equipped with two Zeiss multi-channel spectrometers: the MCS601 UV–NIR C extended module, which covers a spectral range from 210 to 1015 nm, and the MCS611 NIR 2.2 module, which operates from 910 to 2200 nm.

This system offers spectral acquisition steps of 0.8 nm per pixel for the UV–Vis region and 5 nm per pixel for the NIR region. Reflectance spectra are acquired using a 45°/0° illumination/detection geometry with a 2 mm spot size. Calibration is performed using Spectralon® reflectance standards to ensure measurement accuracy. The system outputs both reflectance spectra and colorimetric coordinates.


Potential Results

Fiber Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS) provides reflectance spectra and colorimetric coordinates. The results can be used to understand the optical behaviour of an object, identify certain colorants and evaluate the color of an object and its changes produce ageing or restorations.


Reflectance Spectroscopy as a Novel Tool for Thickness Measurements of Paint Layers., Dal Fovo, A.; Martínez-Weinbaum, M.; Oujja, M.; Castillejo, M.; Fontana, R.  Molecules 202328, 4683, DOI 10.3390/molecules28124683