A few things we are expert of..
The Heritage Science Group is a research unit at CNR INO focussed on optics applied to heritage. Its expertise includes:
Area-wise techniques
UV-VIS-NIR Reflectance
UV fluorescence
Spectroscopic techniques
Raman spectroscopy
UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy
Methods for 3D survey
Surface topography by optical scanning
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
Non-linear optics techniques
Multi-Photon Excitation Fluorescence
SHG – Second Harmonic Generation
THG – Third Harmonic Generation
Photo-acoustic techniques
Tools and Prototypes
HSG utilizes advanced scientific instruments to perform non-invasive diagnostic analyses, providing detailed and comprehensive insights into various artworks conditions. Additionally, HSG has developed innovative instruments specifically designed for analyzing artworks, assisting in their conservation, monitoring, and restoration efforts.
HSG’s engagement in European, National, and Regional Initiatives
The HSG has been actively involved in various European, national, and regional projects since its inception. These projects have allowed us to delve into new research areas, enhance innovation in heritage science, collaborate with other groups, and provide valuable training opportunities.
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