Publications& Open Science
Since 90ies, the Heritage Science Group has been publishing scientific articles in important journals and conference proceedings: Over 300 publications containing the latest research results in optics applied to heritage science. Browse them year by year.
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Development of a functionalized polystyrene platform from packaging waste via Friedel-Craft acylation, D Porcu, E Carretti, R Fontana, D Chelazzi, and D Bandelli, European Polymer Journal 224 (2025): 113676.
Detecting Early Degradation of Wood Ultrastructure with Nonlinear Optical Imaging and Fluorescence Lifetime Analysis A Dal Fovo, R Cicchi, C Gagliardi, E Baria, M Fioravanti, R Fontana, Polymers 16 (24), 3590, 2024
Disclosure of a Concealed Michelangelo-Inspired Depiction in a 16th-Century Painting A Dal Fovo, M Morello, A Mazzinghi, C Toso, E Pampaloni, R Fontana
Journal of Imaging 10 (8), 175
LEGO® under stage light: Studying the ABS light-stability through a complementary multi-analytical approach, S Samela, V Rughetti, I Bargagli, J Striova, R Fontana, EPJ Web of Conferences 309, 14005
Development of a functionalized polystyrene platform from packaging waste via Friedel-Craft acylation D Porcu, E Carretti, R Fontana, D Chelazzi, D Bandelli, European Polymer Journal, 113676
A Performance Comparison of 3D Survey Instruments for Their Application in the Cultural Heritage Field I Lunghi, E Vannini, A Dal Fovo, V Di Sarno, A Rocco, R Fontana, Sensors 24 (12), 3876
A Multi-disciplinary Analysis of the Portrait of Philip the Good in Dijon D Buti, L Cartechini, R Fontana, M Iwanicka, M Raffaelli, P Targowski, …2024
Three-Dimensional Analysis for the Documentation of the Restoration of an Earthquake-Damaged Triptych E Vannini, I Lunghi, E Grifoni, P Farioli, M Ginanni, A Santacesaria, … Heritage 7 (4), 2176-2194
Spectral Mapping Techniques for the Stratigraphic and Compositional Characterisation of a 16th-Century Painting A Dal Fovo, M Morello, A Mazzinghi, C Toso, M Galeotti, R Fontana, Heritage 7 (3), 1320-1333
3D multi-modal point clouds data fusion for metrological analysis and restoration assessment of a panel painting E Grifoni, E Vannini, I Lunghi, P Faraioli, M Ginanni, A Santacesarea, …Journal of Cultural Heritage 66, 356-366
Characterization of degradation effects on wood ultrastructure by non-linear imaging, A Dal Fovo, C Gagliardi, M Fioravanti, R Cicchi, R Fontana, EPJ Web of Conferences 309, 14003
PS1-17 Non-invasive integrated diagnostics for the conservation of wall paintings at the Complex of Santa Maria la Nova in Naples A Roccco, V Di Sarno, MR Vigorito, M Sederino, E Lanzara, P Cennamo, …, IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for archaeology and Cultural Heritage-Metro Archaeo 2024, 33
Organic Patinas on Small Historical Bronzes: From Mock-Ups to Actual Artworks M Galeotti, S Porcinai, A Cagnini, M Baruffetti, C Biondi, A Dal Fovo, …
Coatings 14 (2), 212
Architectural assessment of wall paintings using a multimodal and multi-resolution diagnostic approach: The test site of the Brancacci chapel in Firenze, C Riminesi, RM Del Fà, S Brizzi, A Rocco, R Fontana, M Bertasa, E Grifoni, …Journal of Cultural Heritage 66, 99-109
Non-invasive stratigraphic analyzes of gelatine-based modern painting materials with linear and nonlinear optical methods, DQ Balbas, L Maestro-Guijarro, PM Carmona-Quiroga, M Oujja, Journal of Physics: Photonics 6 (3), 035018
Detection and characterization of defects in the Brancacci Chapel wall paintings via holographic interferometry and microwave reflectometry, A Rocco, M Bertasa, A Chaban, V Di Sarno, R Fontana, E Grifoni, A Impallaria, J Striova, S Penoni, C Riminesi, Journal of Cultural Heritage 68, 149-160
Historical Pigments and Paint Layers: Raman Spectral Library with 852 nm Excitation Laser, S Innocenti, D Quintero Balbas, M Galeotti, A Cagnini, S Porcinai, J Striova, Minerals 2024, 14(6), 557
Learning Materials as FAIR Digital Objects: a Shared Methodology for Training in H2IOSC G Pedonese, F Frontini, R Ottaviani, F Boschetti, A Spadi, L Francalanci, …EasyChair
3D multi-modal point clouds data fusion for metrological analysis and restoration assessment of a panel painting E Grifoni, E Vannini, I Lunghi, P Faraioli, M Ginanni, A Santacesarea, …Journal of Cultural Heritage 66, 356-366
3D scanning of daguerreotypes
DI Quintero Balbas, L Pezzati, B Cattaneo, V Righetti, J Striova, Journal of Physics: Photonics
Three-Dimensional Analysis for the Documentation of the Restoration of an Earthquake-Damaged Triptych
E Vannini, I Lunghi, E Grifoni, P Farioli, M Ginanni, A Santacesaria, …Heritage 7 (4), 2176-2194
Spectral Mapping Techniques for the Stratigraphic and Compositional Characterisation of a 16th-Century Painting
A Dal Fovo, M Morello, A Mazzinghi, C Toso, M Galeotti, R Fontana, Heritage 7 (3), 1320-1333
3D multi-modal point clouds data fusion for metrological analysis and restoration assessment of a panel painting
E Grifoni, E Vannini, I Lunghi, P Faraioli, M Ginanni, A Santacesarea, …Journal of Cultural Heritage 66, 356-366
Botticelli-style tempera portrait on tile: Imaging and specific on-site spectroscopic analysis and cleaning examination
A Dal Fovo, L Sepiacci, S Innocenti, J Striova, R Fontana, Journal of Cultural Heritage 66, 229-235
Architectural assessment of wall paintings using a multimodal and multi-resolution diagnostic approach: The test site of the Brancacci chapel in Firenze
C Riminesi, RM Del Fà, S Brizzi, A Rocco, R Fontana, M Bertasa, E Grifoni, …Journal of Cultural Heritage 66, 99-109
Organic Patinas on Small Historical Bronzes: From Mock-Ups to Actual Artworks
M Galeotti, S Porcinai, A Cagnini, M Baruffetti, C Biondi, A Dal Fovo, …Coatings 14 (2), 212
Bronze disease: synthesis and characterization of new recycled polystyrene-based coatings, D Porcu, D Bandelli, E Carretti, R Fontana, Atti del XXVIII congresso della Società Chimica Italiana SCI-2024, 2, 620-62
A Dal Fovo, R Fontana, The European Physical Journal Plus 138 (12), 1112
Reflectance spectroscopy as a novel tool for thickness measurements of paint layers
A Dal Fovo, M Martínez-Weinbaum, M Oujja, M Castillejo, R Fontana, Molecules 28 (12), 4683
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for madder lake detection in painting layers
S Innocenti, M Ricci, D Quintero Balbas, R Fontana, J Striova, M Becucci, The European Physical Journal Plus 138 (5), 381
Insights into the stratigraphy and palette of a painting by Pietro Lorenzetti through non-invasive methods
A Dal Fovo, S Mattana, A Ramat, P Riitano, R Cicchi, R Fontana, Journal of Cultural Heritage 61, 91-99
The Degradation of Daguerreotypes and the Relationship with Their Multi-Material Structure: A Multimodal Investigation
D Quintero Balbas, B Cattaneo, A Cagnini, P Belluzzo, S Rossi, …Sensors 23 (9), 4341
Laboratory Instrumentation
MJ Melo, M Ghirardello, A Candeo, D Comelli, C Manzoni, M Thoury, …
Novel integration of non-invasive imaging techniques for the analysis of an egg tempera painting by Pietro Lorenzetti
A Dal Fovo, S Mattana, C Ruberto, L Castelli, A Ramat, P Riitano, …The European Physical Journal Plus 138 (1), 71
Specchi dotati di memoria. Il restauro di 51 dagherrotipi della Fondazione Alinari per la Fotografia
B Cattaneo, P Belluzzo, DQ Balbas, A Cagnini, J Striova, S Rossi, OPD RESTAURO 34, 48-65
Convolutional neural network exploiting pixel surroundings to reveal hidden features in artwork NIR reflectograms
T Karella, J Blažek, J Striová, Journal of Cultural Heritage 58, 186-198
Agar gel as a non-invasive coupling medium for reflectance photoacoustic (PA) imaging: experimental results on wall-painting mock-ups
A Chaban, GJ Tserevelakis, E Klironomou, G Zacharakis, J Striova, Journal of imaging 8 (9), 235Portable Sequentially Shifted Excitation Raman Spectroscopy to Examine Historic Powders Enclosed in Glass Vials
S Innocenti, D Quintero Balbas, L Pezzati, R Fontana, J Striova, Sensors 22 (9), 3560
The Colors of the Butterfly Wings: Non-Invasive Microanalytical Studies of Hand-Coloring Materials in 19th-Century Daguerreotypes
D Quintero Balbas, B Cattaneo, A Cagnini, P Belluzzo, S Innocenti, …Heritage 5 (4), 4306-4324
Spectroscopic and morphologic investigation of bronze disease: Performance evaluation of portable devices
D Porcu, S Innocenti, M Galeotti, J Striova, L Dei, E Carretti, R Fontana, Heritage 5 (4), 3548-3561
Non-invasive contactless analysis of an early drawing by Raffaello Sanzio by means of optical methods
D Quintero Balbas, A Dal Fovo, L Montalbano, R Fontana, J Striova, Scientific Reports 12 (1), 15602
Non-Invasive Evaluation of Polymeric Protective Coatings for Metal Surfaces of Cultural Heritage Objects: Comparison of Optical and Electromagnetic Methods
D Quintero Balbas, A Dal Fovo, D Porcu, A Chaban, S Porcinai, …Applied Sciences 12 (15), 7532
Correction: Dal Fovo et al. Multi-Analytical Characterization and Radiocarbon Dating of a Roman Egyptian Mummy Portrait. Molecules 2021, 26, 5268
A Dal Fovo, M Fedi, G Federico, L Liccioli, S Barone, R Fontana, Molecules 27 (12), 3822
Portable Sequentially Shifted Excitation Raman Spectroscopy to Examine Historic Powders Enclosed in Glass Vials
S Innocenti, D Quintero Balbas, L Pezzati, R Fontana, J Striova, Sensors 22 (9), 3560
Evaluation of an eco-friendly flame retardant treatment applied to cellulosic textiles used for the conservation of historical tapestries
DQ Balbas, C Cirrincione, M Cimò, G Lanterna, B Pizzo, R Fontana, …Polymer Degradation and Stability 199, 109907
Combined TPEF and SHG imaging for the microstructural characterization of different wood species used in artworks
A Dal Fovo, S Mattana, M Marchetti, M Anichini, A Giovannelli, E Baria, …Photonics 9 (3), 170
Noninvasive identification of turmeric and saffron dyes in proteinaceous textile fibres using Raman spectroscopy and multivariate analysis
D Quintero Balbas, G Lanterna, C Cirrincione, M Ricci, M Becucci, …Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 53 (3), 593-607
Automated phasor segmentation of fluorescence lifetime imaging data for discriminating pigments and binders used in artworks
S Mattana, A Dal Fovo, JL Lagarto, MC Bossuto, V Shcheslavskiy, …Molecules 27 (5), 1475
Nonlinear imaging and vibrational spectroscopic analysis of cellulosic fibres treated with COEX® flame-retardant for tapestry preservation
A Dal Fovo, J Striova, DQ Balbas, S Mattana, N Tacconi, R Cicchi, …RSC advances 12 (41), 26744-26752
Non-invasive identification of textile fibres using near-infrared fibre optics reflectance spectroscopy and multivariate classification techniques
D Quintero Balbas, G Lanterna, C Cirrincione, R Fontana, J Striova, The European Physical Journal Plus 137, 1-15
Behind the Scene of “The Holy Family with St. Anne and the Young St. John” by Bernardino Luini: A Computer-Assisted Method to Unveil the Underdrawings, in Applied Spectroscopy, 75-3, By: M. Caccia, L. Bonizzoni, M. Martini, R. Fontana, V. Villa, A. Galli, Year: 2021 (DOI:
Synchronized Hardware-Registered VIS-NIR Imaging Spectroscopy and 3D Sensing on a Fresco by Botticelli, in Sensors, 21-4, By: J Striova, L Pezzati, E Pampaloni, R Fontana Year: 2021 (DOI:
Revealing hidden features in Multilayered Artworks by means of an Epi-illumination Photoacoustic imaging system
GJ Tserevelakis, A Chaban, E Klironomou, K Melessanaki, J Striova, …, Journal of Imaging 7 (9), 183
Fluorescence lifetime phasor analysis and Raman spectroscopy of pigmented organic binders and coatings used in artworks
A Dal Fovo, S Mattana, A Chaban, D Quintero Balbas, JL Lagarto, …Applied Sciences 12 (1), 179
Revealing Underdrawings in Wall Paintings of Complex Stratigraphy with a Novel Reflectance Photoacoustic Imaging Prototype
A Chaban, GJ Tserevelakis, E Klironomou, R Fontana, G Zacharakis, …Journal of Imaging 7 (12), 250
Direct microextraction for red lakes detection in painting layers by Raman spectroscopy
S Innocenti, M Ricci, G Lanterna, R Fontana, J Striova, M Becucci, The European Physical Journal Plus 136 (10), 1081
Nonlinear optical microscopy for artworks physics
A Dal Fovo, M Castillejo, R FontanaLa Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 44, 453-498
Multi-analytical approach to the study of mecca gilding technique
A Chaban, G Lanterna, MC Gigli, M Becucci, R Fontana, J Striova, Microchemical Journal 168, 106415
Multi-analytical characterization and radiocarbon dating of a roman Egyptian mummy portrait
A Dal Fovo, M Fedi, G Federico, L Liccioli, S Barone, R Fontana, Molecules 26 (17), 5268
Unveiling the Invisible in Uffizi Gallery’s drawing 8P by Leonardo with non-invasive optical techniques
A Dal Fovo, J Striova, E Pampaloni, R Fontana, Applied Sciences 11 (17), 7995
First combined application of photoacoustic and optical techniques to the study of an historical oil painting
A Dal Fovo, GJ Tserevelakis, E Klironomou, G Zacharakis, R Fontana, The European Physical Journal Plus 136 (7), 757
Laser spectroscopies and microscopies for research in cultural heritage
M Oujja, M Sanz, M Castillejo, V Detalle, A Dal Fovo, R Fontana, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte (España)
Multisensorial assessment of laser effects on shellac applied on wall paintings
J Striova, R Fontana, I Barbetti, L Pezzati, A Fedele, C Riminesi, Sensors 21 (10), 3354
Synchronized hardware-registered VIS-NIR imaging spectroscopy and 3D sensing on a fresco by Botticelli
J Striova, L Pezzati, E Pampaloni, R Fontana, Sensors 21 (4), 1287
Campagna di misura del Progetto IMPRESS 2 presso ISSI Innovhub – Misure di flusso in camino, intercalibrazione di tre tecniche di misura della velocità, By: D’Amato F., Viciani S., Barucci M., Migliavacca G., Morreale C., Bertagna S. Year: 2020
Efficiency evaluation of chemical and physical methods for the removal of spray paints from marble substrates, in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1, By: M. Bargi, MP. Morigi, R. Fontana, E. Pampaloni, J. Striova, B. Salvadori,Year: 2020, (DOI:
Graphic vandalism: Multi-analytical evaluation of laser and chemical methods for the removal of spray paints, in Journal of Cultural Heritage, 44, By: C. Giusti, M. P. Colombini, A. Lluveras-Tenorio, J. La Nasa, J. Striova, B. Salvadori,Year: 2020 (DOI:
In-Depth Analysis of Egg-Tempera Paint Layers by Multiphoton Excitation Fluorescence Microscopy, By: Dal Fovo A., Sanz M., Oujja M., Fontana R., Mattana S., Cicchi R., Targowski P., Sylwestrzak M, Romani A., Grazia C, Filippidis G., Psilodimitrakopoulos S., Lemonis A., Castillejo M., Year: 2020 (DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202000668)
Non-invasive mapping methods for pigments analysis of Roman mural paintings, in Journal of Cultural Heritage, 43, By: A. Dal Fovo, A. Mazzinghi, S. Omarini, E. Pampaloni, C. Ruberto, J. Striova, R. Fontana, Year: 2020 (DOI:
Notes on Vestorius’ Blue–New findings and investigations, in Journal of Cultural Heritage, 45, By: R. Fontana, P. Baraldi, M.E. Fedi, M. Galeotti, S. Omarini, P. Zannini, J. Striova, Year: 2020 (DOI:
Reflectance imaging spectroscopy in heritage science, in La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 43, By: J. Striova, A. Dal Fovo, R. Fontana, Year: 2020 (DOI:
Rubens’ painting as inspiration of a later tapestry: Non-invasive analyses provide insight into artworks’ history, in Microchemical Journal, 153, By: A. Dal Fovo, J. Striova, E. Pampaloni, A. Fedele, MM. Morita, D. Amaya, F. Grazzi, M. Cimò, C. Cirrincione, R.Fontana, Year: 2020 (DOI:
Safe limits for the application of nonlinear optical microscopies to cultural heritage: A new method for in-situ assessment in Microchemical Journal, By: Dal Fovo A., Sanz M., Mattana S., Oujja M., Marchetti M., Pavone F.S., Cicchi R., Fontana R., Castillejo M. Year: 2020 (DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2019.104568)
Spectral measurements of the atmospheric downwelling far-infrared radiation at the Zugspitze observatory, By: Belotti C., Barucci M., Bianchini G., D’Amato F., Del Bianco (2) S., Di Natale G., Gai (2) M., Montori A., Sussmann(3) R., Viciani S., Vogelmann(3) H., Palchetti L. Year: 2020
Spectroscopic techniques versus Pitot tube for the measurement of flow velocity in narrow ducts in Sensors, By: D’Amato F., Viciani S., Montori A., Barucci M., Morreale C., Bertagna S., Migliavacca G. Year: 2020 (DOI: 10.3390/s20247349)
Subpixel precision in registration of multimodal datasets, in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, By: M. Lebl, J. Blazek, J. Striova, R. Fontana, B. Zitova, Year: 2020 (DOI:
Cryogenic light detectors with enhanced performance for rare event physics in Nuclear instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A – Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment By: Barucci M., Beeman JW., Caracciolo V., Pagnanini L., Pattavina L., Pessina G., Pirro S., Rusconi C., Schaffner K. Year: 2019 (DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.05.019)
Campagna di misura su pallone per Progetto HEMERA By: D’Amato F., Viciani S., Barucci M., Montori A., Cairo F., Diliberto L., Bucci S., Legras B. Year: 2019
Combined photoacoustic imaging to delineate the internal structure of paintings in Optics Letters By: Dal Fovo A., Tserevelakis G. J., Papanikolaou T. A., Zacharakis G., Fontana R. Year: 2019 (DOI: 10.1364/OL.44.000919)
Determination of thresholds for safe analyses of acrylic paintings by nonlinear optical microscopy (Conference Presentation), in Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology VII, 11058, By: M. Sanz, M. Oujja, R. Fontana, R. Cicchi, A. Dal Fovo, S. Mattana, M. Marchetti, M. Castillejo, Year: 2019 (DOI:
Interpreting technical evidence from spectral imaging of paintings by Edouard Manet in the Courtauld Gallery in X-RAY Spectrometry By: Amato SR., Burnstock A., Cross M., Janssens K., Rosi F., Cartechini L., Fontana R., Dal Fovo A., Paolantoni M., Grazia C., Romani A., Michelin A., Andraud C., Tournie A., Dik J. Year: 2019 (DOI: 10.1002/xrs.2828)
Multianalytical non-invasive characterization of phthalocyanine acrylic paints through spectroscopic and non-linear optical techniques in Spectrochimica Acta Part A – Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, By: Dal Fovo A., Oujja M., Sanz M., Martinez-Hernandez A., Canamares MV., Castillejo M., Fontana R. Year: 2019 (DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2018.09.040)
Non-linear laser microscopies for non-destructive analysis of paintings, in 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (2019), By: M. Sanz, M. Oujja, A. Dal Fovo, A. Martínez-Hernández, R. Fontana, M. Castillejo, Year: 2019 (URI:
Non-invasive mapping methods for pigments analysis of Roman mural paintings in Journal of Cultural Heritage By: Dal Fovo A., Mazzinghi A., Omarini S., Pampaloni E., Ruberto C., Striova J., Fontana R. Year: 2019
Non-invasive mapping methods for pigments analysis of Roman mural paintings in Journal of Cultural Heritage By: Dal Fovo A., Mazzinghi A., Omarini S., Pampaloni E., Ruberto C., Striova J., Fontana R. Year: 2019
Rubens’ painting as inspiration of a later tapestry: Non-invasive analyses provide insight into artworks’ history in Microchemical Journal
By: Dal Fovo A., Striova J., Pampaloni E., Fedele A., Morita M.M., Amaya D., Grazzi F., Cimò M., Cirrincione C., Fontana R. Year: 2019
Scientific analysis underpinning the multidisciplinary project “The Leman Album: an Enhanced Facsimile” in European Physical Journal Plus
By: Manca R., Burgio L., Button V., Browne C., Turner OH., Rutherston J., Cartechini L., Doherty B., Grazia C., Paolantoni M., Rosi F., Barucci M., Fontana R., Tournie A., Andraud C., Michelin A. Year: 2019 (DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2019-12668-0)
Using Optical Coherence Tomography to Reveal the Hidden History of The Landsdowne Virgin of the Yarnwinder by Leonardo da Vinci and Studio-Supporting information, By: P. Targowski, M. Iwanicka, M. Sylwestrzak, C. Frosinini, J. Striova, R. Fontana, Year: 2019, URI:
Condivisione dei dati sui beni culturali: DIGILAB, l’esperienza di ARIADNE e di E-RIHS, By: Niccolucci F., Meghini C., Felicetti A., Pezzati L. Year: 2018
Modern acrylic paints probed by optical coherence tomography and infrared reflectography in Microchemical Journal, By: Striova J., Dal Fovo A., Fontani V., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Raffaelli M., Fontana R. Year: 2018 (DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2017.12.027)
Multispectral IR Reflectography for Painting Analysis, in Advanced Characterization Techniques, Diagnostic Tools and Evaluation Methods in Heritage Science, By: Raffaella Fontana, Marco Barucci, Alice Dal Fovo, Enrico Pampaloni, Marco Raffaelli, Jana Striova, Year: 2018 (DOI:
Optical Coherence Tomography aids in revealing the hidden history of The Landsdowne Virgin of the Yarnwinder by Leonardo da Vinci and studio in Angewandte Chemie – International Edition, By: Targowski P., Iwanicka M., Sylwestrzak M., Frosinini C., Striova J., Fontana R. Year: 2018 (DOI: 10.1002/ange.201713356)
Photoacoustic signal attenuation analysis for the assessment of thin layers thickness in paintings in Journal of Applied Physics, By: Tserevelakis G. J., Dal Fovo A., Melessanaki K., Fontana R., Zacharakis G. Year: 2018 (DOI: 10.1063/1.5022749)
Spectral Imaging and Archival Data in Analysing Madonna of the Rabbit Paintings by Manet and Titian in Angewandte Chemie – International Edition, By: Striova J., Ruberto C., Barucci M., Blažek J., Kunzelman D., Dal Fovo A., Pampaloni E., Fontana R. Year: 2018 (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201800624)
Sustainability in art conservation: a novel bio-based organogel for the cleaning of water sensitive works of art in Pure and Applied Chemistry, By: Prati S., Volpi F., Fontana R., Galletti P., Giorgini L., Mazzeo R., Mazzocchetti L., Samori C., Sciutto G., Tagliavini E. Year: 2018 (DOI: 10.1515/pac-2017-0507)
Using Optical Coherence Tomography to Reveal the Hidden History of The Landsdowne Virgin of the Yarnwinder by Leonardo da Vinci and Studio in Angewandte Chemie – International Edition, By: Targowski P., Iwanicka M., Sylwestrzak M., Frosinini C., Striova J., Fontana R. Year: 2018 (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201713356)
Close to the diffraction limit in high resolution ATR FTIR mapping: demonstration on micrometric multi-layered art systems in Analyst, By: Bertasa M., Possenti E., Botteon A., Conti C., Sansonetti A., Fontana R., Striova J., Sali D. Year: 2017 (DOI: 10.1039/c7an00873b)
DIGILAB: A New Infrastructure for Heritage Science in ERCIM News, By: Pezzati L., Felicetti A. Year: 2017
Drawing materials studied by THz spectroscopy, By: Taschin A., Bartolini P., Tasseva J., Striova J., Fontana R., Riminesi C., Torre R. Year: 2017
External-beam “Total-IBA” measurements in cultural heritage applications, By: Chiari M., A. Mazzinghi A., Ruberto C., Carraresi L., Fontana R., Striova J., Vadrucci M. Year: 2017
FUTURAHMA: an online database of non invasive spectroscopic data of modern art materials by Lefranc, By: Cartechini L., Grazia C., Miliani C., Fontana R., Vilanova O., Chieli A., Monico L., Doherty B., Romani A., Patti M., Kunzelman D., Buzzegoli E., Striova J., Ficini A., Andreoletti G., Mannari C., Manca R., Dal Fovo A., Rosi F. Year: 2017
Improvement of the visibility of concealed features in artwork NIR reflectograms by information separation in Digital Signal Processing, By: Blazek J., Striova J., Fontana R., Zítová B. Year: 2017 (DOI: 10.1016/j.dsp.2016.09.007)
Multimodal nonlinear optical microscopy for non-destructive analysis of layered, composite substrates, By: Dal Fovo A., Martínez-Hernández A., Sanz M., Izquierdo J.G., Fontana R., Oujja M. and Castillejo M. Year: 2017
Multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscopy for non-destructive analysis of painting substrates, By: Dal Fovo A., Martínez-Hernández A., Sanz M., Oujja M., Fontana R., Castillejo M. Year: 2017
Non-linear techniques for the disclosure of paintings internal structure, By: Dal Fovo A., Striova J., Barucci M., Raffaelli M., Pampaloni E., Cicchi R., Mercatelli R., Quercioli F., Fontana R. Year: 2017
Nonlinear optical imaging techniques (NLO) for painting investigation, By: Dal Fovo A., Fontana R., Striova J., Pampaloni E., Barucci M., Raffaelli M., Mercatelli R., Pezzati L., Cicchi R. Year: 2017
Nonlinear Optical Microscopy Imaging for Non-destructive Analysis of Paintings, By: Castillejo M., Dal Fovo A., Striova J., Barucci M., Fontana R., Grazia C., Romani A., Psilodimitrakopoulos S., Anglos D., Filippidis G., Iwanicka M., Targowski P., Karagiannis G., Oujja M., Carrasco E., Sanz M. Year: 2017
Prime considerazioni sulla tecnica pittorica di Plinio Nomellini. Due opere giovanili: Contadina che zappa e La diana del lavoro, in Plinio Nomellini. Dal divisionismo al Simbolismo verso la libertà del colore, Firenze, Maschietto editore, 69-71, By: M. Patti, E. Buzzegoli, R. Fontana, M. Raffaelli, Year: 2017 (Http: //
Radiocarbon measurements with mid-infrared SCAR spectroscopy, By: Galli I., Bartalini S., Barucci M., Cancio P., Giusfredi G., Mazzotti D., Akikusa N., Romano L., D’Agostino F., Fedi M. E., Mandò P. A., De Natale P. Year: 2017
Rimozione delle scritte a pennarello dalle superfici in marmo: approccio fisico-chimico, By: Salvadori B., Colle M., Caciagli S., Cantisani E., Agostini B., Trafeli V., Fontana R., Striova J., Year: 2017
The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS), in International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, By: Striova J., Pezzati L. Year: 2017 (DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W5-661-2017)
Thin layered drawing media probed by THz time-domain spectroscopy in Analyst By: Tasseva J., Taschin A., Bartolini P., Striova J., Fontana R., Torre R. Year: 2017 (DOI: 10.1039/c6an02113a)
Valutazione analitica degli effetti di una pulitura laser: la statua di bronzo di Napoleone come Marte Pacificatore di Antonio Canova, By: Sansonetti A, Colella M., Letardi P., Salvadori B., Striova J. Year: 2017
A Study of Picasso\’s Painting Materials and Techniques in Six of His Early Portraits in Journal of the American Institute for Conservation By: Sessa C., Jiménez de Garnica R., Rosi F., Fontana R., Garcia J.F. Year: 2016 (DOI: 10.1080/01971360.2016.1235438)
Chemical Mapping of Pigments by Visible and Near-Infrared Multispectral Imaging, By: Striova J., Year: 2016
Determination of thickness of thin turbid painted over-layers using micro-scale spatially offset Raman spectroscopy in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series A- Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences By: Conti C., Realini M., Colombo C., Botteon A., Bertasa M., Striova J., Barucci M., Matousek P. Year: 2016 (DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2016.0049)
Disclosing Jackson Pollock’s palette in Alchemy (1947) by non-invasive spectroscopies, in Heritage Science, 4-1, By: F. Rosi, C. Grazia, R. Fontana, F. Gabrieli, L. Pensabene Buemi, E. Pampaloni, A. Romani, C. Stringari, C. Miliani, Year: 2016 (DOI:
Dye-sensitized solar cell for a solar concentrator system in Solar Energy By: Sacco A., Gerosa M., Bianco S., Mercatelli L., Fontana R., Pezzati L., Quaglio M., Pirri C.F., Tucci A.O.M. Year: 2016 (DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2015.11.026)
Hidden colours in stuccowork damaged by fire: A multi-analytical investigation for revealing the original decorative pattern in Journal of Cultural Heritage By: Sansonetti A., Striova J., Biondelli D., Aliatis I., Rampazzi L. Year: 2016 (DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2015.11.002)
Indagini scientifiche mediante le tecniche non-invasive del dipinto su tela di E. Manet, By: Raffaelli M., Striova J., Buzzegoli E., Fontana R., Pospíšilová E., Ruberto C., Barucci M., Pampaloni E. Year: 2016
Iperion CH EU WP 7.1a Diagnostic strategies for paintings, Instrumental (OCT and conoscopic holography) monitoring of cleaning methods on painting “Flowers”, By: Barucci M., Striova J., Raffaelli M., Pampaloni E., Dal Fovo A., Fontana R. Year: 2016
Iperion CH EU WP 7.1a Diagnostic strategies for paintings, Monitoring of cleaning by OCT and conoscopic holography “Interior”, By: Striova J., Dal Fovo A., Raffaelli M., Barucci M., Fontana R., Pampaloni E. Year: 2016
La restauración del Retrato Trivulzio de Antonello da Messina, in Anuario TAREA, 3: Historia de la Conservación – restauración, By: R. Bellucci, P. Bonanni, B. G. Brunetti, S. Calusi, C. Castelli, M.Ciatti, B. Doherty, R. Fontana, C. Frosinini, L. Giuntini, N. Grassi, P. A. Mandò, M. Massi, M. Mastroianni, A. Migliori, C. Miliani, E. Pampaloni, L. Pezzati, P. Pingi, F. Rosi, F. Seracini, A. Sgamelloti, L. Burucúa, Year: 2016 (
Monitoraggio tramite misure colorimetriche dello stato di conservazione degli strati pittorici presenti nella Tomba dei Rilievi a Cerveteri, By: Striova J., Omarini S., Fontani V., Fontana R. Year: 2016
Non-invasive optical techniques in the analysis and monitoring of the restoration process of a canvas painting by E. Manet, By: Pospíšilová E., Striova J., Raffaelli M., Buzzegoli E., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Fontana R.,Year: 2016
Optical devices provide unprecedented insights into the laser cleaning of calcium oxalate layers in Microchemical Journal, By: Striova J., Fontana R., Barucci M., Felici A., Marconi E., Pampaloni E., Raffaelli M., Riminesi C. Year: 2016 (DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2015.09.005)
Photo-oxidative kinetics of solvent and oil-based terpenoid varnishes in Polymer Degradation and Stability By: Ciofini D., Striova J., Camaiti M., Siano S. Year: 2016, (DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2015.11.002)
Spectrophotometric punctual and imaging characterization of pigments from the early 20th century Nuanciers Lefranc, By: Fontana R., Striova J., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Dal Fovo A., Manca R. Year: 2016
Spectroscopic detection of radiocarbon dioxide at parts-per-quadrillion sensitivity in Optica By: Galli I., Bartalini S., Ballerini R., Barucci M., Cancio P., De Pas M., Giusfredi G., Mazzotti D., Akikusa N., De Natale P. Year: 2016 (DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.3.000385)
Spectroscopic detection of radiocarbon dioxide at parts-per-quadrillion sensitivity, By: Galli I., Bartalini S., Barucci M., Cancio P., Cappelli F., Giusfredi G., Mazzotti D., Akikusa N., De Natale P. Year: 2016
Technical examination of Sandro Botticelli detached mural painting (and painting mock-ups) by means of non-invasive optical analyses, By: Horáková T., Striova J., Fontana R., Raffaelli M., Barucci M., Pampaloni E. Year: 2016
Thinning of oxalate patina with Er:YAG laser stand-alone and in combination with Agar and Carbogel systems, By: Dal Fovo A., Striova J., Raffaelli M., Felici A., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Marconi E., Fontana R. Year: 2016
THz time-domain spectroscopy: investigation of thin layers of inks, By: Taschin A., Bartolini P., Tasseva J., Striova J., Fontana R., Riminesi C., Torre R. Year: 2016
Vandalismo grafico: confronto tra metodologie chimiche e fisiche per la rimozione, By: Pelucchini S., Salvadori B., Striova J., Cantisani E., Caciagli S., Agostini B., Del Colle M., Fontana R. Year: 2016
Analisi ad immagine multispettrale Vis-NIR in Maternità di Gaetano Previati, By: Fontana R., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Raffaelli M., Montecchi A., Striova J. Year: 2015
Analysis of Munch’s paintings by scanning multispctral infrared reflectography: Anxiety (1894), Puberty (1894) and Vampire (1895), in Public Paintings by Eduard Munch and his Contemporaries: Change and Conservation challenges, Archetype Publications, 1, By: B. Topalova Casadiego, C. Daffara, R. Bellucci, C. Frosinini, R. Fontana, C. Miliani, Year: 2015 (
Application of non-invasive optical monitoring methodologies to follow and record painting cleaning processes in Applied Physics. A, Materials science & Processing (print), By: Fontana R., Dal Fovo A., Striova J., Pezzati L., Pampaloni E., Raffaelli M., Barucci M. Year: 2015 (DOI: 10.1007/s00339-015-9505-5)
Automatic frames extraction and visualization from noisy fringe sequences for data recovering in a portable digital speckle pattern interferometer for NDI, in Journal of Display Technology, 11-5, By: P. Memmolo, G.Arena, G. Fatigati, M. Grilli, M. Paturzo, L. Pezzati, P. Ferraro, Year: 2015
Frammenti di colore, By: Omarini S., Fontana R., Milani E., Striova J., Carannante S. Year: 2015
Identification of Copper resinate in artworks: in quest for the optimal Raman procedure, By: Striova J., Year: 2015
Laser cleaning of a nineteenth-century bronze sculpture: In situ multi-analytical evaluation in Studies in Conservation, By: Sansonetti A., Colella M., Letardi P., Salvadori B., Striova J. Year: 2015 (DOI: 10.1179/0039363015Z.000000000204)
Limewashed mural paintings as seen by VIS-IR reflectography, By: Fontana R., Striova J., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Raffaelli M., Pezzati L., Mariotti P. Year: 2015 (DOI: 10.1117/12.2197995)
L’Italia guida il percoso verso un nuovo approccio scientifico alla conservazione dei beni culturali: E-RIHS, in Kermes: la rivista del restauro, 100, By: E. Andreassi, L. Benassi, R. Fontana, J. Striova, L. Pezzati, Year: 2015
Non-destructive testing of an original XVI century painting on wood by ESPI system, in SPIE Proceedings: Practical Holography XXIX: Materials and Applications, 9386, By: G. Arena, M. Paturzo, G. Fatigati, M. Grilli, L. Pezzati, P. Ferraro, year: 2015 (DOI:
Optical and spectroscopic tools for evaluating Er:YAG laser removal of shellac varnish in Studies in Conservation By: Striova J., Salvadori B., Fontana R., Sansonetti A., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Marconi E., Pezzati L., Colombini M.P. Year: 2015 (DOI: 10.1179/0039363015Z.000000000213)
Recovering data from noisy fringe patterns from a portable digital speckle pattern interferometer for in-situ inspection of painting hanging on the wall, in SPIE Proceedings: Practical Holography XXIX: Materials and Applications, 9386, By: G. Arena, M. Paturzo, G. Fatigati, M. Grilli, L. Pezzati, P. Ferraro, year: 2015 (DOI:
Rilievo tridimensionale e analisi ad immagine multispettrale Vis-NIR, By: Barucci M., Fontana R., Pampaloni E., Raffaelli M., Striova J. Year: 2015
Spectroscopic detection of 14CO2: towards parts per quadrillion sensitivity, By: Giusfredi G., Galli I., Mazzotti D., Cancio P., Barucci M., Bartalini S., Cancio P., De Natale P. Year: 2015
A cleaning method based on the use of agar gels: new tests and perspectives, By: Sansonetti A., Casati M., Striova J., Canevali C., Anzani M., Rabbolini A. Year: 2014
A multi-analytical approach for the conservation of the Brera Napoleon by Antonio Canova, By: Sansonetti A., Colella M., Colombo C., Letardi P., Realini M., Salvadori B., Striova J. Year: 2014
A Portable ESPI System for out of Laboratory Measurements, By: Arena G., Memmolo P., Fatigati G., Grilli M., Paturzo M., Pezzati L., Ferraro P. Year: 2014
Characterization of hidden defects of an original XVI century painting on wood by the ESPI (Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry) method, By: Arena G., Memmolo P., Fatigati G., Grilli M., Paturzo M., Pezzati L., Ferraro P. Year: 2014
Drawing media as probed by THz time-domain and infrared spectroscopy, By: Bartolini P., Taschin A., Tasseva J., Torre R., Barucci M., Fontana R., Riminesi C., Striova J. Year: 2014
From Leonardo to Raffaello: Insights by VIS-IR reflectography, in Acta Artis Academica, By: Fontana R., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Striova J., Pezzati L. Year: 2014
Futurist painters–Interdisciplinary research on written sources, artists’ materials and paintings, in ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference, By: A. Nevin, S. Bellei, R. Fontana, F. Gabrieli, F. Rosi, C. Marchese, M. D’Ayala Valva, D. Kunzelman, E. Buzzegoli, M. Patti, Year: 2014 (
Gli stucchi di Lomello. Indagini scientifiche sui materiali, By: Sansonetti A., Biondelli D., Conti C., Colombo C., Realini M., Rampazzi L., Striova J. Year: 2014
La statua di Napoleone come Marte pacificatore nel cortile di Brera: intervento di conservazione sulle superfici bronzee, By: Sansonetti A., Salvadori B., Letardi P., Colella M., Pescarmona D., Arosio F., Striova J., Bresciani V., Alberti R., Gironda M. Year: 2014
Laser cleaning of bronze sculpture: a field multianalytical techniques evaluation, By: Sansonetti A., Colella M., Letardi P., Salvadori B., Striova J. Year: 2014
Michelangelo’s drawings seen under visible, infrered and x rays, By: Striova J., Pampaloni E., Barucci M., Fontana R., Bracci S., Riminesi C., Ragionieri P., Marongiu M. Year: 2014
Modern painted palimpsests. Deciphering the artworks of Osvaldo Licini, in Science and Art, By: M. Patti, C. Anselmi, B. Doherty, C. Daffara, R. Fontana, Year: 2014 (DOI:
Monitoraggio del processo di pulitura mediante indagini ottiche tomografiche e di superficie, By: Barucci M., Fontana R., Pampaloni E. Year: 2014
Optical and spectroscopic tools evaluating Er:YAG laser cleaning, By: Striova J., Salvadori B., Fontana R., Sansonetti A., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Andreotti A., Pezzati L., Colombini M.P. Year: 2014
Riflettografia infrarossa al servizio di opere d’arte, By: Striova J., Fontana R., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2014
Rimozione delle scritte a pennarello dalle superfici in marmo: approccio fisico-chimico, By: Caciagli S., del Colle M., Trafeli V., Salvadori B., Cantisani E., Striova J. Year: 2014
The detection of copper resinate pigment in works of art: contribution from Raman spectroscopy in Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, By: Conti C., Striova J., Aliatis I., Possenti E., Massonnet G., Muehlethaler C., Poli T., Positano M. Year: 2014 (DOI: 10.1002/jrs.4455)
The Feast of the Rose Garlands by Albrecht Dürer: results of the new technological investigation, in Bulletin of the National Gallery in Prague, By: C. Anselmi, BG. Brunetti, D. Buti, C. Daffara, R. Fontana, O. Kotkova, M. Patti, C. Miliani, A. Pokorny, A. Romani, F. Rosi, Year: 2014 (
A study of surface optical properties for characterizing the cleaning process of paintings, By: Fontana R., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Daffara C. Year: 2013 (DOI: 10.1117/12.2020738)
An integrated instrument for real-time profilometry and multispectral reflectography for the analysis of deformations on paintings, By: Daffara C., Fontana R., Barucci M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2013
Direct, trans-irradiation and multispectral infrared imaging of a Titian canvas, in AIP Conference Proceedings, 1537-1, C. Daffara, F. Monti, R. Fontana, P. Artoni, O. Salvadori, Year: 2013 (
Enriching the metrological toolbox for applications to Cultural Heritage, By: Fontana R., De Natale P. Year: 2013
Mid-infrared reflectography for the analysis of pictorial surface layers in artworks, in AIP Conference Proceedings, 1537-1, By: C. Daffaram D. Ambrosini, L. Pezzati, P.I. Mariotti, Year: 2013 (DOI:
Portable Raman versus portable mid-FTIR reflectance instruments to monitor synthetic treatments used for the conservation of monument surfaces in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry By: Conti C., Striova J., Aliatis I., Colombo C., Greco M., Possenti E., Realini M., Brambilla L., Zerbi G. Year: 2013 (DOI: 10.1007/s00216-012-6594-2)
The detection of Copper Resinate pigment in works of art: contribution from Raman spectroscopy, Book of, By: I. Aliatis, C. Conti, G. Massonnet, C. Muehlethaler, T. Poli, M. Positano, E. Possenti, J. Striova, Year: 2013
Thermal Quasi-Reflectography (TQR): current research and potential applications, in Optics for Art, Architecture and Archaeology IV, 8790, By: C. Daffara, D. Ambrosini, L. Pezzati, G. Marchioro, Year: 2013 (DOI:
A cleaning method based on the use of agar gels: New tests and perspectives, in 12th International congress on the deterioration and conservation of stone, By: A. Sansonetti, M. Casati, J. Striova, C. Canevali, M. Anzani, A. Rabbolini, Year: 2012
Thermal quasi-reflectography: a new imaging tool in art conservation in Optics Express By: Daffara C., Ambrosini D., Pezzati L., Paoletti D. Year: 2012 (DOI: 10.1364/OE.20.014746)
Autofocus laser system for multi-NIR scanning imaging of painting surfaces, By: Fontana R., Barucci M., Carcagnì P., Daffara C., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2011 (DOI: 10.1117/12.889487)
Chemical, morphological and chromatic behavior of mural paintings under Er: YAG laser irradiation, in Applied Physics A, 104-2, By: J. Striova, M. Camaiti, EM. Castellucci, A. Sansonetti, Year: 2011 (DOI:
Confocal Raman microscopy for in-depth analysis in the field of cultural heritage, in Journal of Molecular Structure, 993, 1-3, By: G. Lorenzetti, J. Striova, A. Zoppi, E.M. Castellucci, Year: 2011 (DOI:
La realtà virtuale dallo spazio al museo: uno strumento dell’esplorazione delle opere d’arte, By: Fontana R., Ambrosini D., Di Biase R., Paoletti D., Daffara C., Pezzati L. Year: 2011
Multi-band scanning imaging for in situ analysis of paintings in the VIS-NIR range, By: Fontana R., Barucci M.. Daffara C., Pezzati L., Carcagnì P. Year: 2011
Multispectral Infrared Reflectography to differentiate features in paintings in Miscroscopy and Microanalysis By: Daffara C., Fontana R. Year: 2011 (DOI: 10.1017/S1431927611000031)
On the edges of the rainbow and beyond: using color mapping in multispectral diagnostics of artworks, By: Fontana R., Ambrosini D., Paoletti D., Di Biase R., Rossi S., Daffara C., Pezzati L. Year: 2011
Optical techniques for the characterization of surface-subsurface defects in painting layers, By: Fontana R., Daffara C., Melchiorre Di Crescenzo M., Scrascia S., Zendri E. Year: 2011
Riflettografia multispettrale a scansione, By: Fontana R. Year: 2011
Scanning multispectral IR reflectography SMIRR: An advanced tool for art diagnostics (Accounts of Chemical Research (2010) 43:6 (847)) in Accounts of Chemical Research By: Daffara C., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Barucci M., Fontana R. Year: 2011 (DOI: 10.1021/ar100124r)
Terracotta polychrome sculptures examined before and after their conservation work: contributions from non-invasive in situ analytical techniques, in Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 401-2, By: C. Colombo, F. Bevilacqua, L. Brambilla, C. Conti, M. Realini, J. Striova, G. Zerbi, Year: 2011 (
Thermal imaging for the examination and conservation of conservation of contemporary mural paintings, By: Fontana R., Melchiorre Di Crescenzo M., Zendri E., Daffara C. Year: 2011
Wide-band IR imaging in the NIR-MIR-FIR regions for in situ analysis of frescoes, in O3A: Optics for Art, Architecture and Archaeology III, 8084, By: C. Daffara, L. Pezzati, D. Ambrosini, D. Paoletti, R. Di Biase, PI. Mariotti, C. Frosinini, Year: 2011 (DOI:
Caravaggio’s underdrawing: a ‘Quest for the Grail’, By: Bellucci R., Frosinini C., Pezzati L. Year: 2010
Colored grounds of gilt stucco surfaces as analyzed by a combined microscopic, spectroscopic and elemental analytical approach, in Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 397-7, By: A. Sansonetti, J. Striova, D. Biondelli, EM. Castellucci, Year: 2010 (DOI:
Dual band IR thermography for analysis of support structure and superficial layer in the mural painting Resurrezione by Piero della Francesca, in In situ technical imaging for art and archaeology: a symposium in conservation science, London, UK, 15, By: C. Daffara, L. Pezzati, D. Ambrosini, D. Paoletti, R. Di Biase, PI. Mariotti, C. Frosinini, Year: 2010 (
Free-running Er: YAG laser cleaning of mural painting specimens treated with linseed oil,‘Beverone’and Paraloid B72, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks VIII (LACONA VIII), By: J. Striova, E. Castellucci, A. Sansonetti, M. Camaiti, M. Matteini, A. Decruz, A. Andreotti, M. Colombini, Year: 2010
Il restauro del Ritratto Trivulzio di Antonello da Messina, in OPD restauro, 22, By: R. Bellucci, P. Bonanni, B.G. Brunetti, S. Calusi, C. Castelli, M. Ciatti, B. Doherty, R. Fontana, C. Frosinini, L. Giuntini, N. Grassi, P.A. Mandò, M. Massi, M.Mastroianni, M. Materazzi, A. Migliori, C. Miliani, P. Moioli, E. Pampaloni, L. Pezzati, P. Pingi, F. Rosi, C. Seccaroni, F. Seracini, A. Sgamellotti, Year: 2010 (
Il ritrovamento del disegno preparatorio di Caravaggio, By: Bellucci R., Frosinini C., Pezzati L. Year: 2010
Integrated reflectography and thermography for wooden paintings diagnostics in Journal of Cultural Heritage By: Ambrosini D., Daffara C., Di Biase R., Paoletti D., Pezzati L., Bellucci R., Bettini F. Year: 2010 (DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2009.05.001)
Multiband Scanner for in Situ Imaging of Paintings, By: Pezzati L., Barucci M., Daffara C., Fontana R., Pampaloni E., Bencini D., Carcagnì P., Della Patria A. Year: 2010
Muon-induced backgrounds in the CUORICINO experiment in Astroparticle Physics, By: Andreotti E., Arnaboldi C., Avignone III F.T., Balata M., Bandac I., Barucci M., Beeman J.W., Bellini F., Bloxham T., Brofferio C., Bryant A., Bucci C., Canonica L., Capelli S., Carbone L., Carrettoni M., Clemenza M., Cremonesi O., Creswick R.J., Di Domizio S., Dolinski M.J., Ejzak L., Faccini R., Farach H.A., Ferri E., Ferroni F., Fiorini E., Foggetta L., Giachero A., Gironi L., Giuliani A., Gorla P., Guardincerri E., Gutierrez T.D., Haller E.E., Kadel R., Kazkaz K., Kraft S., Kogler L., Kolomensky Y.G., Maiano C., Maruyama R.H., Martinez C., Martinez M., Mizouni L., Morganti S., Nisi S., Nones C., Norman E.B., Nucciotti A., Orio F., Pallavicini M., Palmieri V., Pattavina L., Pavan M., Pedretti M., Pessina G., Pirro S., Previtali E., Risegari L., Rosenfeld C., Rusconi C., Salvioni C., Sangiorgio S., Schaeffer D., Scielzo N.D., Sisti M., Smith A.R., Tomei C., Ventura G., Vignati M. Year: 2010 (DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2010.04.004)
Riflettografia IR multispettrale a scansione, By: Daffara C., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Barucci M., Fontana R. Year: 2010
Scanning Multispectral IR Reflectography SMIRR: An Advanced Tool for Art Diagnostics in Accounts of Chemical Research, By: Daffara C., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Barucci M., Fontana R. Year: 2010 (DOI: 10.1021/ar900268t)
A Dry Dilution Refrigerator for the Test of CUORE Components in journal of Low Temperature Physics By: Barucci M., Martelli V., Ventura G. Year: 2009 (DOI: 10.1007/s10909-009-9981-0)
Imaging data integration for painting diagnostics in Proceedings of SPIE By: Daffara C., Ambrosini D., Di Biase R., Fontana R., Paoletti D., Pezzati L., Rossi S. Year: 2009 (DOI: 10.1117/12.827710)
Indagini sulla Madonna del Cardellino, in OPD restauro, 21, By: M. Ciatti, D. Biagi Maino, Cl. Daffara, R. Fontana, M. C. Gambino, G. Maino, E. Pampaloni, A. Tartari, Year: 2009
NIR confocal microscopy for painting diagnostics in Proceedings of SPIE, By: Daffara C., Fontana R., Pezzati L. Year: 2009 (DOI: 10.1117/12.827673)
Non-destructive and non-invasive analyses shed light on the realization technique of ancient polychrome prints, in Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 73-3, By: J. Striová, Gabriele C., S. Micheli, C. Lofrumento, M. Galeotti, A. Cagnini, E.M. Castellucci, Year: 2009 (DOI:
Non-invasive conoscopic holography-based device for artworks surface acquisition in Proceedings of SPIE By: Carcagnì P., Cavallo E., Della Patria A., Gianfrate G., Pezzati L., Piccolo R., Pingi P. Year: 2009 (DOI: 10.1117/12.828209)
Optical micro-profilometry for cultural heritage applications, By: Daffara C., Gambino M.C., Fontana R., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2009
Studio dei sollevamenti di colore mediante rilievo tridimensionale ad alta risoluzione della superficie, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Pampaloni E. Year: 2009
Versatile pulsed laser setup for depth profiling analysis of multilayered samples in the field of cultural heritage, in Journal of Molecular Structure, 924, By: NFC. Mendes, I. Osticioli, J. Striova, A. Sansonetti, M. Becucci, E. Castellucci, Year: 2009 (DOI:
YAG per la pulitura dei dipinti murali, in Atti del Convegno APLAR—Applicazioni LASER nel Restauro, By: A. Sansonetti, M. Camaiti, M. Matteini, J. Striová, EM. Castellucci, A. Andreotti, MP. Colombini, A. de Cruz, Year: 2009
A scanning device for multispectral imaging of paintings, By: Bonifazzi C., Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Romano A. Year: 2008
A scanning device for VIS-NIR multispectral imaging of paintings in Journal of Optics A-pure and Applied Optics By: Bonifazzi C., Carcagnì P., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Bencini D. Year: 2008 (DOI: 10.1088/1464-4258/10/6/064011)
Indagini sulla Pala Trivulzio di Andrea Mantegna. La stabilità delle campiture: colore e morfologia, By: Bencini D., Carcagni P., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni MG., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2008
Multi IR reflectography, in Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks: Proceedings of the International Conference Lacona VII, Madrid, Spain, 17-21 September 2007, By: R. Fontana, M. Greco, M. Mastroianni, M. Materazzi, E. Pampaloni, L. Pezzati, P. Carcagnì, Year: 2008
Near-Infrared Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope for the Analysis of Paintings, By: Pezzati L., Daffara C., Bencini D., Carcagnì P. Year: 2008
Optical characterization of pigments by reflectance spectroscopy in support of UV laser cleaning treatments in Applied Physics. A. Materials Science & Procesing (print) By: Acquaviva S., Danna E., De Giorgi M.L., Della Patria A., Pezzati L. Year: 2008 (DOI: 10.1007/s00339-008-4486-2)
Painting layers on stone: study of an Early Middle Ages high-relief, in Proc 9th Int Conf on NDT of Art, Jerusalem, Israel, By: A. Sansonetti, R. Bugini, D. Biondelli, J. Striova, M. Colella, Year: 2008
Performance Analysis of Imaging Systems for NIR Reflectography, By: Daffara C., Gambino M.C., Pezzati L. Year: 2008 (DOI: 10.1117/1.601488)
Portable device for measuring surface roughness in-situ with a non-invasive optical technique, By: Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Piccolo R., Pezzati L., Pingi P. Year: 2008
Tecniche ottiche per la scansione IR e colore dell’immagine e per le misure tridimensionali, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2008
The interaction of laser radiation at 2.94 µm with azurite and malachite pigments, in Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks: Proceedings of the International Conference Lacona Vii, Madrid, Spain, 17–21 September 2007, By: M. Camaiti, M. Matteini, A. Sansonetti, J.Striova, E. Castellucci, A. Andreotti, M.P. Colombini, A. DeCruz, R. Palmer, Year: 2008
Three dimensional survey of paint layer profile measurements, By: Pampaloni E., Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Mastroianni M., Pezzati L., Carcagní P., Piccolo R., Pingi P., Bellucci R., Casaccia A. Year: 2008
A scanning device for multispectral imaging of paintings, By: Bonifazzi C., Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Fontana R., Greco G., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Romano A. Year: 2007
A scanning device for VIS-NIR multispectral imaging of paintings, By: Bonifazzi C., Carcagnì P., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2007
Analisi multispettrale ad immagine di superfici dipinte nella regione spettrale VIS-NIR, By: Bencini D., Carcagnì P., Fontana R.,Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2007
Analisi multispettrale e tomografia ottica coerente per l’analisi dello strato pittorico ed il controllo della pulitura, By: Bellini M., Bellucci R., Carcagnì P., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2007
Evaluation by Laser Micro-Profilometry of Morphological Changes Induced on Stone Materials by Laser Cleaning, By: Colombo C., Daffara C., Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Mastroianni M., Pampaloni E., Realini M., Sansonetti A. Year: 2007 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-72130-7_62)
Indagini riflettografiche sulla Vergine delle Rocce, By: Pezzati L., Daffara C., Bellucci R., Frosinini C. Year: 2007
Integration of image data from 2D and 3D optical techniques for painting conservation applications in Imaging Science Journal By: Bellucci R., Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Fontana R., Frosinini C., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Piccolo R., Poggi P. Year: 2007 (DOI: 10.1179/174313107X145209)
Laser cleaning of gilded wood: A comparative study of colour variations induced by irradiation at different wavelengths in Applied Surface Science By: Acquaviva S., D’Anna E., De Giorgi M.L., Della Patria A., Pezzati L., Pasca D., Vicari L., Bloisi F., Califano V. Year: 2007 (DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2007.02.178)
MOLAB, a mobile laboratory for in situ non-invasive studies in arts and archaeology, in Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks, By: B. Brunetti, M. Matteini, C. Miliani, L. Pezzati, D. Pinna, Year: 2007 (DOI:
Monitoraggio del colore mediante analisi multispettrale ad immagine, By: Bonifazzi C., Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Romano A. Year: 2007
Multi-spectral IR reflectography in Proceedings of SPIE By: Fontana R., Bencini D., Carcagnì P., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2007 (DOI: 10.1117/12.726096)
Multispectral imaging of paintings by optical scanning in Optics and Lasers in Engineering By: Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2007 (DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2005.02.010)
Multispectral imaging of paintings: Instrument and applications in Proceedings of SPIE By: Bonifazzi C., Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Romano A. Year: 2007 (DOI: 10.1117/12.726113)
Multispectral IR Reflectography, By: Fontana R., Bencini D., Carcagnì P., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2007
Optical analyses of Raphael’s paintings, By: Pezzati L., Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Poggi P., Editors: Roy A., Spring M. Year: 2007
Optical coherence diagnostics for painting conservation, By: Fontana R., Bellini M., Corsi C., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Tortora A. Year: 2007 (DOI: 10.1117/12.726127)
Optical Micro-profilometry for Roughness Measurement, By: Fontana R., Daffara C., Gambino M.C., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2007
Performance Analysis and Comparison of Imaging System for IR Reflectogaphy, By: Daffara C., Gambino M.C., Pezzati L. Year: 2007
Search for neutrinoless double beta decay with CUORICINO and prospects for CUORE, By: Barucci M., Risegari L., Ventura G., Di Domizio S., Giachero A., Olcese M., Ottonello P., Pallavicini M., Balata M., Bucci C., Gorla P., Nisi S., Tomei C., Tatananni E.L., Zarra C., Andreotti E., Foggetta L., Giuliani A., Pedretti M., Salvioni C., Sangiorgio S., Keppel G., Menegatti P., Palmieri V., Rampazzo V., Alessandria F., Arnaboldi C., Brofferio C., Capelli S., Carbone L., Clemenza M., Cremonesi O., Fiorini E., Gironi L., Kraft S., Nones C., Nucciotti A., Pavan M., Pessina G., Pirro S., Previtali E., Schaeffer D., Sisti M., Torres L., Zanotti L., Ardito R., Maier G., Bellini F., Cosmelli C., Dafinei I., Faccini R., Ferroni F., Gargiulo C., Longo E., Morganti S., Vignati M., Beeman J., Bryant A., Decowski M.P., Freedman S.J., Guardincerri E., Haller E.E., Kadel R., Kogler L., Kolomensky Y.G., Smith A.R., Xu N., Dolinski M.J., Kazkaz K., Norman E.B., Scielzo N.D., Huang H.Z., Trentalange S., Whitten Jr C., Gutierrez T.D., Avignone III F.T., Bandac I., Creswick R.J., Farach H.A., Martinez C., Mizouni L., Rosenfeld C., Ejzak L., Heeger K.M., Maruyama R.H., Martinez M. Year: 2007 (DOI: 10000000000)
Sviluppo delle Tecniche ottiche di Indagine. Laboratorio di Metrologia Ottica, INOA-OPD, 1997-2007, By: Carcagnì P., Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2007
Sviluppo delle Tecniche ottiche di Indagine. Laboratorio di Metrologia Ottica, INOA-OPD, 1997-2007, By: Carcagnì P., Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2007
Three Dimensional Survey for Paint Layer Profile Measurement, By: Bellucci R., Carcagnì P., Casaccia A., Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Pampaloni E., Pingi P., Pezzati L. Year: 2007
Three dimensional survey of paint layer, By: Pampaloni E., Bellucci R., Carcagnì P., Casaccia A., Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Piccolo R., Pingi P., Pezzati L. Year: 2007 (DOI: 10.1117/12.726105)
A new tool for painting diagnostics: Optical coherence tomography in Optics and Spectroscopy By: Arecchi F.T., Bellini M., Corsi C., Fontana R., Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Tortora A. Year: 2006 (DOI: 10.1134/S0030400X06070058)
A scanning device for multi-spectral imaging of paintings in Proceedings of SPIE By: Bonifazzi C., Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Ferriani S., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Romano A. Year: 2006 (DOI: 10.1117/12.641668)
A scanning device for multi-spectral imaging of paintings in Proceedings of SPIE By: Bonifazzi C., Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Ferriani S., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Romano A. Year: 2006 (DOI: 10.1117/12.641668)
Colorimetric investigation of wooden artworks after laser cleaning at different wavelengths, By: Acquaviva S., D’Anna E., De Giorgi M.L., Omarini S., Pezzati L., Della Patria A., Vicari L., Bloisi F., Califano V. Year: 2006
Micro-profilometria a scansione per il rilievo della superficie di dipinti antichi, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Seccaroni C. Year: 2006
MOLAB: a transnational access for in-situ non-invasive studies of the European cultural heritage, By: Miliani C., Brunetti B.G., Sgamellotti A.,Pinna D., Matteini M., Pezzati L. Year: 2006
Multispectral UV fluorescence analysis of painted surfaces, in 14th European Signal Processing Conference, By: A. Pelagotti, L. Pezzati, A. Piva, A. Del Mastio, Year: 2006
Prehistoric Anasazi ceramics studied by micro‐Raman spectroscopy, in Journal of Raman Spectroscopy: An International Journal for Original Work in all Aspects of Raman Spectroscopy, Including Higher Order Processes, and also Brillouin and Rayleigh Scattering, 37-10, By: J. Striova, C. Lofrumento, A. Zoppi, E. M. Castellucci, Year; 2006 (DOI:
Realizzazione e ottimizzazione di un dispositivo a scansione per l’analisi multispettrale ad immagine di superfici dipinte, By: Bonifazzi C., Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Ferriani S., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Romano A. Year: 2006
2D and 3D optical diagnostic techniques applied to Madonna dei Fusi by Leonardo da Vinci, in Optical Methods for Arts and Archaeology, 5857, By: R. Fontana, MC. Gambino, M. Greco, L. Marras, M. Materazzi, E. Pampaloni, A.Pelagotti, L. Pezzati, P. Poggi, C. Sanapo, Year: 2005 (DOI:
A scanning spectrometer for multispectral color imaging of painted surfaces, By: Carcagnì P.L., Della Patria A., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2005
A 3D scanning device for architectural relieves based on Time-Of-Flight technology, By: Gambino M.C., Fontana R., Gianfrate G., Greco M., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2005 (DOI: 10.1007/3-540-27176-7_59)
Diagnostica italiana per un progetto europeo: La Vergine delle Rocce di Leonardo: sorprese nell’underdrawing della versione di Londra By: Bellucci R., Frosinini C., Brunetti B.G., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2005
Dymamic signal processing and analysis in the OCT system for evaluating multilayer tissues, By: Bellini M., Fontana R., Gurov I., Karpets A., Materazzi M., Taratin M., Zakharov A. Year: 2005 (DOI: 10.1117/12.619502)
Integration of imaging analysis and 3D laser relief of artworks: a powerful diagnostic tool, By: Marras L., Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pelagotti A., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2005 (DOI: 10.1007/3-540-27176-7_61)
Misura della microrugosità superficiale con tecniche di profilometria laser e AFM, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Girelli A., Greco M., Pampaloni E., Quercioli F., Tiribilli B., Vassalli M. Year: 2005
Molab: a trasnational access service for in-situ non-invasive studies of the European cultural heritage, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Non-destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage, By: B. Brunetti, D. Pinna, M. Matteini, C. Miliani, L. Pezzati, Year: 2005
Novel application of optical coherence tomography for painting diagnostics, By: Arecchi F.T., Bellini M., Corsi C., Fontana R., Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Tortora A. Year: 2005
Optical coherence tomography for painting diagnostics, By: Arecchi F.T., Bellini M., Corsi C., Fontana R., Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Tortora A. Year: 2005 (DOI: 10.1117/12.612558)
Optical coherence tomography for painting diagnostics, By: Arecchi F.T., Bellini M., Corsi C., Fontana R., Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Tortora A. Year: 2005
Optical Methods for Arts and Archaeology, Proceedings of the SPIE, 5857, By: R. Salimbeni, L. Pezzati, Year; 2005.
Optical micro-profilometry for archeology in Proceedings of SPIE By: Carcagnì P., Daffara C., Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Mastroianni M., Mazzotta C., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2005 (DOI: 10.1117/12.612527)
Panel painting surface investigation by conoscopic holography, in 8th International Conference on Non Destructive Investigations and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and the Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage, By: R. Fontana, M. Gambino, E. Pampaloni, L. Pezzati, C. Seccaroni, Year: 2005
Phase separation in class II organically modified silicate films as probed by phase-imaging atomic force microscopy, in Langmuir, 21-14, By: J. Striova, D. A. Higgins, M. M. Collinson, Year: 2005 (DOI:
Spectral and colorimetric characterization of painted surface: a scanning device for imaging analysis of painting in Proceedings of SPIE By: Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Piccolo R. Year: 2005 (DOI: 10.1117/12.612565)
Supporting the restoration of the Minerva of Arezzo, By: Gambino M.C., Fontana R., Greco M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Pingi P., Cignoni P., R. Scopigno R. Year: 2005 (DOI: 10.1007/3-540-27176-7_64)
Surface Roughness Relief, By: Marras L., Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2005 (DOI: 10.1007/3-540-27176-7_60)
Tecniche ottiche 3D applicate al rilievo archeologico, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Marras L., Mazzotta C., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2005
Valutazione non distruttiva mediante micro-profilometria a scansione dell’azione ablativa del laser a erbio per la pulitura dei dipinti, By: Fontana R., Lanterna G., Nakahara K., Pampaloni E., Gambino M.C. Year: 2005
A 3D scanning device for architectural survey based on time-of-flight technology, in Optical Metrology for Optics and Photonics, 5457, By: R. Fontana, MC. Gambino, G. Gianfrate, M. Greco, E. Pampaloni, L. Pezzati, Year: 2004 (DOI:
A high resolution scanner for IR refloctography and colour image of paintings, By: Greco M., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2004
A Time-Of-Flight laser scanner for architectural applications and monitoring, By: Gianfrate G., Calcagnile L., Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2004
Diagnostica ottica di dipinti antichi: la riflettografia infrarossa, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2004
High-resolution 3D survey of artworks, in Optical Metrology in Production Engineering, 5457, By: R. Fontana, M.C. Gambino, C. Mazzotta, M. Greco, E. Pampaloni, L. Pezzati, Year: 2004 (DOI:
Indagini diagnostiche ottiche: Riflettografia infrarossa e Microrilievo della superficie, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2004
Integration of 2D and 3D data for the diagnostics of panel paintings, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2004
Integrazione di analisi ad immagine e rilievo tridimensionale: uno strumento efficace nella diagnostica di opere d’arte, By: Fontana R., Greco M., Gambino M.C., Marras L., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pelagotti A., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2004
IR-colour scanning reflectography, in Kermes quaderni, By: Pezzati L., Materazzi M., Poggi P. Year: 2004
Measuring the surface roughness, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2004
Optical Coherence Tomography for painting diagnostics: a novel application, By: Arecchi F.T., Bellini M., Corsi C., Fontana R., Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Tortora A. Year: 2004
Phase Separation in Organically Modified Silicate Thin Films, J. Striova, Year:2004
Realization of a new spectrophotometer for multispectral imaging and colorimetric characterization of paintings, By: Carcagnì P., della Patria A., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2004
Spettrofotometro a scansione per la caratterizzazione multispettrale e colorimetrica ad immagine di superfici dipinte, By: Carcagnì P.L., Della Patria A., Sanapo C., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2004
Roughness measurement on statues : a high precision surface analysis, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2004
The laser profilometry technique: an application for characterising the tools used to apply gesso ground to some panel paintings by Perugino, By: Fontana R., Pampaloni E., Seccaroni C. Year: 2004
Thermographic analysis, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Ludwig N., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pelagotti A., Pezzati L. Year: 2004
Sviluppo di uno spettrofotometro per analisi multispettrale ad immagine di superfici dipinte, By: Carcagnì P., Della Patria A., Fontana R., Greco M., Mastroianni M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2004
Synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy reveals localized heterogeneities in an organically modified silicate film, in Vibrational spectroscopy, 35, 1-2, By: D. L. Wetzel, J. Striova, D. A. Higgins, M. M. Collinson, Year: 2004 (DOI:
A high-precision surface analysis of the roughness of Michelangelo in Proceedings of SPIE By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2003 (DOI: 10.1117/12.501252)
A new high-resolution IR-colour scanner for the non-destructive evaluation of works of art in INSIGHT, By: Marras L., Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2003
Ancora sulla ‘Madonna del Cardellino’: il rilievo in 3D per lo studio dello stato di conservazione e per la referenziazione delle indagini, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2003
Colour-reflectography for non destructive diagnostics of paintings in Proceedings of SPIE By: Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Poggi P., Marras L. Year: 2003 (DOI: 10.1117/12.524886)
High-precision surface analysis of the roughness of Michelangelo’s David, in Optical Metrology for Arts and Multimedia, 5146, By: R. Fontana, M. C. Gambino, M. Greco, L. Marras, M. Materazzi, E. Pampaloni, L. Pezzati, Year: 2003 (DOI:
High-resolution 3D digital models of artworks in Proceedings of SPIE By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Scopigno R. Year: 2003 (DOI: 10.1117/12.501248)
Il Laboratorio di Metrologia ottica all’Opificio delle Pietre Dure, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2003
Integrating 2D and 3D data for diagnostics of panel paintings in Proceedings of SPIE By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2003 (DOI: 10.1117/12.501247)
Multispectral UV fluorescence and microprofilometry: the techniques and their digital integration, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pelagotti A., Pezzati l., Poggi P. Year: 2003
New high-resolution IR-colour reflectography scanner for painting diagnosis in Proceedings of SPIE By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2003 (DOI: 10.1117/12.501235)
Time of flight laser scanner for architectural and archaeological applications in Proceedings of SPIE By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Gianfrate G., Greco M., Marras L., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2003 (DOI: 10.1117/12.501250)
Three-dimensional digital model of the Minerva of Arezzo, in 19th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics for the Quality of Life, 4829, R. Fontana, L. Pezzati, MC. Gambino, M. Greco, E. Pampaloni, C. Rocchini, Year: 2004 (
Color-reflectography for nondestructive diagnostics of paintings, in Proceedings of the SPIE, 1, By: M. Materazzi, L. Pezzati, P. Poggi, L. Marras, Year; 2002
Infrared reflectography and INOA High Resolution Scanner, By: Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2002
La Minerva di Arezzo : dal rilievo tridimensionale al modello digitale, By: Fontana R., Gambino M.C., Greco M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2002
La riflettografia infrarossa, By: Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2002
Tecniche ottiche per misurare la forma, By: Fontana R., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2002
Tecnologie diagnostiche per i Beni Culturali all’Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata, By: Fontana R., Greco M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 2002
Three-dimensional modelling of statues: The Minerva of Arezzo in Journal of Cultural Heritage By: Fontana R., Greco M., Materazzi M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Rocchini C., Scopigno R. Year: 2002 (DOI: 10.1016/S1296-2074(02)01242-6)
Uno scanner per riflettografia infrarossa a colori, By: Marras L., Materazzi M., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2002
La riflettografia infrarossa: una tecnica per l’analisi di dipinti, By: Fabbri F., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., De Luca F. Year: 2001
Optimization of Edge Detectors for Topographic Maps of Cave Inscriptions, in Proceedings of the Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, By: H. Lahdesmaki, I. Shmulevich, L. Pezzati, A. Tozzi, Year: 2001
Profilometria in luce strutturata, By: Capanni A., Cetica M., Pezzati L. Year: 2001
Geometrical frustration in 2D optical patterns in European Physical Journal D By: Residori S., Olivi-Tran N., Pampaloni E. Year: 2000 (DOI: 10.1007/s100530070037)
La prospettiva è briglia e timone della pittura …: analisi agli infrarossi e ricostruzione geometrica, By: Bellucci R., Cetica M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 2000
Scanner per riflettografia infrarossa e colore ad alta risoluzione, By: Cetica M., Fabbri F., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Poggi P., Tozzi A. Year: 2000
Surface tension effects in the zero gravity inflow of a drop into a fluid in European Physical Journal B, By: Residori S., Pampaloni E., Buah Bassuah PK., Arecchi F.T. Year: 2000 (DOI: 10.1007/s100510051133)
Tecniche di ripresa e di elaborazione d’immagine applicate all’analisi di un vaso cinerario etrusco, By: Pampaloni E., Tozzi A. Year: 2000
The liquid crystal light valve with optical feedback: A case study in pattern formation in Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials By: Arecchi F.T., Boccaletti S., Ducci S., Pampaloni E., Ramazza PL., Residori S. Year: 2000 (DOI: 10.1142/S0218863500000170)
Pattern formation in a nonlinear optical system: the effects of nonlocality in Chaos, Solitons and Fractals By: Ramazza PL., Boccaletti S., Giaquinta A., Pampaloni E., Soria S., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1999
Tecniche di ripresa e di elaborazione d’immagine applicate allo studio dello strumento Vis a Vis del 1777 di Andreas Stein, appartenente al museo di Castelvecchio di Verona
By: Cetica M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L. Year: 1999
Applicazioni ottiche ai beni culturali: la ricerca sui beni culturali all’Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, By: Arecchi F.T., Bertani D., Cetica M., Pezzati L., Poggi P. Year: 1998
Lo scanner i.r.: un dispositivo per riflettografia infrarossa ad alta risoluzione, By: Bertani D., Cetica M., Pezzati L. Year: 1998
Digitised recording of petroglyphs in Poesia cave, Italy, By: Bertani D., Capanni A., Cetica M., Pezzati L., Pagliara C. Year: 1997
Phase locking in nonlinear optical patterns in Physical Review Letters By: Pampaloni E., Residori S., Soria S., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1997 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.78.1042)
Phase-shifting speckle interferometry: a noise reduction filter for phase unwrapping in Optical Engineering By: Capanni A., Pezzati L., Bertani D., Cetica M., Francini F. Year: 1997
Competition and coexistence of two-dimensional optical patterns in Physica Scripta By: Arecchi F.T., Boccaletti S., Pampaloni E., Ramazza PL., Residori S. Year: 1996 (DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/1996/T67/001)
Digitalisation de graffiti sur des surfaces de roches calcaires par une techniques optique de topographie et amelioration de l’image, By: Bertani D., Capanni A., Cetica M., Pezzati L., Castellano A., D’Innocenzo A., Pagliara C. Year: 1996
Domain coexistence in two-dimensional optical patterns in Physical Review Letters By: Residori S., Ramazza PL., Pampaloni E., Boccaletti S., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1996 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.1063)
I graffiti della grotta poesia a Melendugno di Lecce: un’applicazione di rilievo in luce strutturata, By: Bertani D., Capanni A., Cetica M., Pezzati L., Pagliara C. Year: 1996
Optical morphogenesis: dynamics of patterns in passive optical systems, By: Arecchi F.t., Boccaletti S., Pampaloni E., Ramazza P.L., Residori S. Year: 1996
Optical pattern formation in a Kerr-like medium with feedback in Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena By: Ramazza P.L., Pampaloni E., Residori S., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1996 (DOI: 10.1016/0167-2789(96)00026-7)
Optical pattern selection by a lateral wave-front shift in Physical Review A, By: Ramazza PL., Boccaletti S., Giaquinta A., Pampaloni E., Soria S., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1996 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.54.3472)
Pattern formation and competition in nonlinear optics in Journal of Nonlinear Physics and Materials By: Residori S., Ramazza PL., Pampaloni E., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1996 (DOI: 10.1142/S0218863596000234)
Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni dello scanner per riflettografie IR, By: Capanni A., Pezzati L. Year: 1996
Transition to space-time chaos in a nonlinear optical system with two-dimensional feedback in Physical Review A, By: Ramazza PL., Residori S., Pampaloni E., Larichev AV. Year: 1996 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.53.400)
Scale segregation via formation of domanins in a nonlinear optical system, By: Arecchi F.T., Boccaletti S., Pampaloni E., Ramazza PL., Residori S. Year: 1996
Studio preliminare per la misura di deformazione della tavola: Il martirio di S. Sebastiano di Luca Signorelli, By: Capanni A., Pezzati L. Year: 1996
Formazione e competizione di strutture spaziali in ottica non lineare, By: Pampaloni E. Year: 1995
Amplitude equations and pattern formation in a liquid-crystal light-valve experiment in Physical Review A, By: D’Alessandro G., Pampaloni E., Ramazza PL., Residori S., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1995 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.52.4176)
High-resolution optical topography applied to ancient painting diagnostics in Optical Engineering, By: Bertani D., Cetica M., Melozzi M., Pezzati L. Year: 1995 (DOI: 10.1117/12.196545)
Indagine multispettrale estesa al vicino infrarosso dei dipinti della “Tomba del Colle”, By: Bertani D., Capanni A., Cetica M., Pezzati L. Year: 1995
One-dimensional transport-induced instabilities in an optical system with nonlocal feedback in Physical Review E By: Ramazza P.L., Bigazzi P., Pampaloni E., Residori S., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1995 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.52.5524)
Optical topography maps restoration of ancient paintings, By: Bertani D., Cetica M., Melozzi M., Pezzati L. Year: 1995
Topografia ottica di superficie applicata alla digitalizzazione di testi graffiti, By: Bertani D., Capanni A., Cetica M., Pezzati L., Castellano A., Pagliara C. Year: 1995
Two-dimensional crystals and quasicrystals in nonlinear optics in Physical review Letters By: Pampaloni E., Ramazza P.L., Residori S., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1995 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.74.258)
Transport induced optical instabilities in a nonlinear spatially extended system, By: Ramazza Pl., Residori S., Pampaloni E., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1995
Software di gestione dello scanner per riflettografia IR, By: Pezzati L., Capanni A. Year: 1995
Riprese in infrarosso mediante scanner, By: Bertani D., Capanni A., Cetica M., Pezzati L. Year: 1995
Experimental evidence of boundary-induced symmetries in an optical-system with a Kerr-like nonlinearity in EPL, By: Pampaloni E., Ramazza PL., Residori S., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1994 (DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/25/8/005)
Topografia ottica ad alta risoluzione di superfeici di dipinti, By: Bertani D., Cetica M., Melozzi M., Pezzati L. Year: 1994
Topografia ottica di superfici di dipinti su tavola, By: Bertani D., Cetica M., Melozzi M., Pezzati L., Bellucci R. Year: 1994
Boundary-layer and scaling properties in turbulent thermal-convection in Nuovo Cimento della Società Italiana di Fisica D-Condensed Matter Atomic Molecular and Chemical Physics fluids plasmas biophysics By: Chilla F., Ciliberto S., Innocenti C., Pampaloni E. Year: 1993 (DOI: 10.1007/BF02451729)
Locking-range analysis for three coupled lasers in Optics Letters, By: Pampaloni E., Lapucci A. Year: 1993 (DOI: 10.1364/OL.18.001881)
On-line characterization of the shape and size of particles in Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, By: Castellini C., Francini F., Longobardi G., Pampaloni E. Year: 1993 (DOI: 10.1002/ppsc.19930100103)
Optical sensor to measure the velocity of a surface in Optics and Laser Technology, By: Francini F., Pampaloni E., Innocenti G. Year: 1993 (DOI: 10.1016/0030-3992(93)90103-M)
Spectra of local and averaged scalar fields in turbulence in EPL, By: Chilla F., Ciliberto S., Innocenti C., Pampaloni E. Year: 1993 (DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/22/1/005)
Colour discrimination under transient adaptation, By: Ronchi L., Pampaloni E. Year: 1993
Il campo visivo funzionale: definizioni, metodi di misura, applicazioni alla guida, By: Pampaloni E. Year: 1992
Transition from hexagons to rolls in convection in fluids under non-Boussinesq conditions in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, By: Pampaloni E., Perez Garcia C., Albavetti L., Ciliberto S. Year: 1992 (DOI: 10.1017/S0022112092000831)
Sensore di velocità, By: Francini F., Pampaloni E. Year: 1992
Sensore di velocità per uso automobilistico, By: Francini F., Pampaloni
Transition between different symmetries in convection, By: Pérez-Garcia C., Ciliberto S., Pampaloni E. Year: 1991
Transverse mode competition leading to chaos in a waveguide CO2 laser, By: Arecchi F.T., Meucci R., Pezzati L. Year: 1991 (DOI: 10000000000)
Proposals to est and compensate (some) color vision deficiencies of VDT operators, By: Ronchi L., Castellini C., Ciamberlini C., Pampaloni E. Year: 1991
Testing the spatio-temporal functional visual field, as related to optimization of images gerated on display, By: Ronchi L., Pampaloni E., Arecchi F.T. Year: 1991
The role of defects in the transition between different symmetries in convective patterns in Journal of Statistical Physics, By: Ciliberto S., Pampaloni E., Perez Garcia C. Year: 1991 (DOI: 10.1007/BF01048813)
Chaos in a CO2 wave-guide laser due to transverse-mode competition in Physical Review A By: Arecchi F.T., Meucci R., Pezzati L. Year: 1990 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.42.5791)
Defects in roll-hexagon competition in Physical Review Letters By: Ciliberto S., Coullet P., Lega J., Pampaloni E., Perez Garcia C. Year: 1990 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.65.2370)
Finite-size effects in the transition from hexagons to rolls in convective systems in EPL By: Perez Garcia C., Pampaloni E., Ciliberto S. Year: 1990 (DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/12/1/010)
Transition between different symmetries in Rayleigh-Benard convection By: Ciliberto S., Pampaloni E., Pérez-Garcia C. Year: 1990
The F-M 100-HUE test as a tool in a visual laboratory By: Ronchi L., Pampaloni E. Year: 1990
Amplitude equations for hexagonal patterns of convection in non-boussinesq fluids By: Perez-Garcia C., Pampaloni E., Ciliberto S. Year: 1989
Competition between Different Symmetries in Convective Patterns in Physical Review Letters By: Ciliberto S., Pampaloni E., Perez-Garcia C. Year: 1988 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.61.1198)
Competizione fra differenti simmetrie di strutture convective By: Ciliberto S., Pampaloni E., Perez-Garcia C. Year: 1988