Optics applied to heritage

Discover our research activities, projects, and scientific publications focused on the study and preservation of cultural heritage

About us

Founded on a shared passion for heritage conservation, we emerged as a group specialized in advanced optical non invasive diagnostic techniques for the scientific analysis of artworks.

For over 30 years, CNR-INO has been deeply immersed in the world of cultural heritage diagnostics. This dedication has given rise to the Heritage Science Group, where we explore and experiment with cutting-edge optical techniques and create advanced instruments for analyzing works of art.


Key resources to know & preserve art

Explore our tools and prototypes and discover how our research innovate the sector of heritage science.

Tools & Prototypes

Learn more about our optical non-invasive techniques for advancing cultural heritage analysis


Check out our collaborations in European and national projects


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Focus on

25 years after their first collaboration agreement, CNR – National Institute of Optics and Opificio delle Pietre Dure di Firenze (Ministry of Culture) renew their partnership from 1998.

Their goal is to create an integrated laboratory of chemical-physical investigations with unique instrumentation for art conservation and restoration.

case studies

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Browse our news and events

The SCENTINEL Project Newsletter

Climate Change and Scent Heritage: The Urgent Need for Capturing and Preserving Olfactory Landscapes in a Changing World We[…]

The Secrets of Art Revealed by X-Rays: Alice Dal Fovo discusses it in an interview with Repubblica

Journalist Giuliano Aluffi interviewed Marco Leona, director of the scientific laboratory at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New[…]

Unlocking the Secrets of Historical Pigments with Raman Spectroscopy

In the world of art conservation, understanding the materials that make up historical artworks is essential for their preservation[…]

Contact us

Got questions or ready to start a project? Reach out to us today to discuss your ideas, schedule a consultation, or simply say hello.