A symposium to present the results of the DIAGNOSE project

The DIAGNOSE project (Non-invasive diagnostics and conservation of daguerreotypes and other photographic materials) organizes its final event on June 3, 2024 at the Museo Galileo in Florence. This project is funded by the Tuscany Region from the FSC Development and Cohesion Fund as part of Giovanisì.

The fundamental role and inestimable value of the photographic asset as a historical and artistic object to be preserved have been recognized only recently. Coordinated by the National Institute of Optics of CNR, the DIAGNOSE project was carried out in collaboration with the Galileo Museum, the Opificio delle Pietre Dure and the El.En company, and with the precious support of the Alinari Foundation for Photography, heir to the precious Alinari photographic heritage. The project addressed the analytical, conservation and restoration challenges of daguerreotypes and other protein photographic materials with the ambition of experimenting and developing innovative systems for their protection.

The talk “Laser technologies and other innovative methods for the Characterization and conservation of photographic and modern art materials” will discuss the results of collaboration between the various partners.

The full programme is available at the following link.

The event will be live-streamed on the Museo Galileo YouTube channel.



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