How to approach long-term monitoring of chemical dynamics in oil paintings?

A new scientific paper is out. The question is: How to approach long-term monitoring of chemical dynamics in oil paintings? Monitoring the condition of artworks[…]

The SCENTINEL Project Newsletter

Climate Change and Scent Heritage: The Urgent Need for Capturing and Preserving Olfactory Landscapes in a Changing World We are excited to share an update[…]

Unlocking the Secrets of Historical Pigments with Raman Spectroscopy

In the world of art conservation, understanding the materials that make up historical artworks is essential for their preservation and restoration. A recent publication in[…]

A new article on non-invasive techniques applied to gelatine-based art materials was published

Title: Non-invasive stratigraphic analyzes of gelatine-based modern painting materials with linear and nonlinear optical methods Link to the publication: Summary: Stratigraphic analyzes of polychrome[…]

Non-invasive microanalyses on 19th-century daguerreotypes

In the framework of the DIAGNOSE project, an article titled “The Colors of the Butterfly Wings: Non-Invasive Microanalytical Studies of Hand-Coloring Materials in 19th-Century Daguerreotypes”[…]

Contactless analysis on a drawing by Raffaello Sanzio

Are you interested in Italian Renaissance drawing or paper #conservation? Read the recent paper published in Nature Portfolio by the Istituto Nazionale di Ottica del[…]

A HSG image used as a cover story in the Journal of Imaging

The research reporting on the prototype for the reflectance photoacoustic imaging applied for the first time in the Heritage Science field appears as the cover[…]

Optical analyses on the Uffizi Gallery’s drawing 8P by Leonardo da Vinci

The HSG published the results of non-invasive optical analyses on the Uffizi Gallery’s drawing 8P by Leonardo da Vinci. Together with art historians and conservators,[…]

Insight on “Meccatura”

Meccatura is a type of historical gilding technique, which consists in the application of a coloured varnish on burnished metal surfaces (silver or tin foil) with[…]

Review: Reflectance Imaging Spectroscopy in Heritage Science

A comprehensive review focused on Reflectance Imaging Spectroscopy (RIS) applied in the field of Heritage Science The CNR-INO Heritage Science Group has recently published a[…]