Scientific analysis on The Allegory painted by Artemisia Gentileschi
A captivating BBC video tells the fascinating process of restoring and rediscovering art

Using the nude portrait of #ArtemisiaGentileschi as a case study, the video explores the meticulous scientific techniques used to uncover and restore hidden works of art carried out by the Heritage Science Group of the National Institute of Optics and a team of the Institute of Heritage Science of the National Research Council.

The artwork in question is the “Allegory of Inclination”, painted by the pioneering female artist Artemisia Gentileschi in the 17th century. 50 years later, the naked portrait was covered with a drapery by a nephew of Michelangelo. Centuries after the censorship, technologies revealed digitally the original shapes without removing the veils.

The analyses carried out were:

#3Dscanner #microprofilometry #VisNir #OCT #Raman #XRF

If you are in Florence, visit the exhibition “Artemisia UpClose: Artemisia in Michelangelo’s Museum” at the Casa Buonarroti (until January 8, 2024).
The exhibition is sponsored by CalliopeArts and Christian Levett.

Watch the BBC video

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